What Will YOU Do This Summer?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Young Women’s Political Leadership Program

Running Start’s Young Political Leadership Program (YWPL) introduces high school girls to the power of political leadership. The program is open to high school girls entering 9th grade through graduating seniors. We are a nonpartisan organization encouraging girls to lead from every background and ideology.

Our 2012 Young Women’s Political Leadership Program will take place in Washington, DC from June 25 – June 30, 2012.

Running Start’s YWPL Program grew out of the need to help more young women see their place as political leaders in their community and in the world. The program emphasizes practical skills needed to lead in politics. Participants learn from experts in a variety of fields including:
• Public speaking
• Message development
• Networking
• On-camera media training
• Fundraising, and many more

Young women candidates and elected officials speak to participants about what it is like to run as a young woman, how to get involved on a local level, and why it is so important to get more women elected to office.
The goal of the weeklong program is to encourage the girls to channel their leadership into politics.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)

Summer Youth Employment Program KICKOFF Friday, January 27th @ 3:30pm.

Came to room 209 after-school on Friday, January 27th to sign up for the Summer Youth Employment Program!

The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is a locally funded initiative sponsored by the Department of Employment Services (DOES) that provides District youth ages 14 to 21 with enriching and constructive summer work experiences through subsidized placements in the private and government sectors.

Through SYEP, we strive to provide young people with the opportunity to:
• Earn money and gain meaningful work experience;
• Learn and develop the skills, attitudes, and commitment necessary to succeed in today’s world of work;
• Gain exposure to various exciting career industries; and
• Interact with dynamic working professionals
in a positive work environment.

Though SYEP is a short-term employment and training program, our goal is to introduce our youth to employer
s who will positively impact their futures. Employers in the Washington, DC metropolitan area make this annual program possible by volunteering to serve as Host Employers and providing structured job opportunities for youth during the summer


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bits & Bytes

Apply for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s (UMBC) Bits & Bytes program, open to all high school junior girls interested in finding out more about technology majors in college. This event is sponsored by the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) at UMBC and Northrop Grumman. If selected, your participation in this two-day, overnight event will include a preview of UMBC and the CWIT Scholars Program, a tour of campus, fun interactions with college students and faculty in engineering and information technology, and an engineering or IT related hands-on design competition. You will even be able to stay overnight in a residence hall on campus and attend a college class with a CWIT Scholar!

The event will take place on UMBC’s campus on Sunday evening, February 19 — Monday, February 20 (President’s Day). Please go to the following web site to fill out the online application: www.cwit.umbc.edu/hs/bitsbytes/ Online applications are due by January 15, 2012.
To find out more information, please contact Katie Glasser at 410-455-8076 or kglasser@umbc.edu, or visit www.cwit.umbc.edu

Totally FREE to you!
 Develop important connections with UMBC students and faculty!
 Gain hands-on exposure to the fields of engineering and information technology!
 Stay overnight in a residence hall on campus!
 Receive a tour of UMBC’s campus!
 Attend a college class with a student!
 Learn what it takes to be a Scholar!

Send Email to Mr. Corcoran for more information or to apply

Urban Journalism Workshop

The Urban Journalism Workshop, a free journalism-immersion program for high school students, is seeking applicants for its 2012 training program. The workshop, conducted over eight weekends, is open to all high school students.

This is a rigorous program requiring your full participation. Professional journalists and journalism educators will be watching your growth and development throughout the workshop. In order to get the best from this experience, you will be expected to:

1) Attend all eight sessions on time. If you expect to be late, you are required to inform your section leader in a timely fashion. You will be dropped from the program for unexcused absences .

2) Come prepared.You mu st be inf ormed,so read the newspaper, listen to the radio,watch television news broadcasts and consume other forms of news. You will be tested weekly on your knowledge and asked to discuss news events during each session.

3) Complete assignments on time. Journalists must meet deadlines. As an aspiring journalist, you will be expected to complete all assignments in the time given. We can give you the best feedback on your work when we have your work on time.

Email Mr. Corcoran for more information or to apply. Applications due Tuesday, January 17th

Applications are available at ujwonline.org or www.washingtonpost.com/community-relations/young-journalists

2012 Coca-Cola Pre-College Leadership Program

Since 1997, the Coca-Cola Pre-College Program at the Leadership Center at Morehouse College, the first of its kind at a historically black college and university (HCBU), has been a beacon in providing leadership training to high school students and college pre-freshmen. precollegeFor seven days each summer, students from high schools across the United States are introduced to the traits, skills and behaviors necessary for effective 21st century leadership. Each day the program accentuates a leadership principle: love, integrity, courage, wisdom and hope.

The curriculum is focused on personal and interpersonal leadership skills emphasizing the development of character, civility and community. Training sessions are highly interactive and diverse, including lectures, workshops, rituals, journaling and outdoor leadership focused activities. During the week long experience, each day accentuates a leadership principle (love, integrity, courage, wisdom, and hope), and the curriculum builds personal and interpersonal leadership skills using indoor and outdoor group activities: from Tai Chi, a ropes team-building course and historical tours, to rituals and ceremonies such as truth-telling sessions, mask-making, and a "Cave of the Heart Ritual‚" derived from Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The activities emphasize self-awareness as a basis for better understanding of ethical leadership practices in the 21st century. For many, the experience is life altering.

Pre-College Coca-Cola Leadership Program

Who Should Apply?

  • Male students completing their sophomore or junior year of high school by June 2012 and students completing their senior year in high school who have applied for admission to Morehouse College for Fall 2012.
  • Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) at the time their applications are received, be self-disciplined and have an interest in leadership.

Email Mr. Corcoran
for more information or to apply

APPLICATION DUE: February 17th

The purpose of this blog is to provide Thurgood Marshall Academy students with up to date information on exciting summer opportunities for 2012. While the summer might seem a years away, a lot of application deadlines are coming up and it is important to stay on top of them! If you have any questions please contactMr. Corcoran at acorcoran@tmapchs.org or 202-563-5946 x171.